Should You Use a Facial Razor To Shave Your Face or Not?

If you are here, you have already heard the hype about shaving your face. But it feels kind of weird using a face razor, no? Shaving faces is for men!
That is exactly what women thought before trying on pants, and now look at us—women rock pants better than men ever could.

How will shaving the face affect hair growth in women?

The belief that if we shave our faces like men, we will get coarser and darker hair like them is completely wrong. We do not have their growth hormones, and unfortunately, even if we tried, it would not be possible for us to get a beard like them!
So, how does it work?

Face Razors are meant for your face, pretty obvious! But these are not there to just remove your eyebrow and upper lip hair. These are meant for your entire face.

The anatomy female facial hair

We have two types of facial hair: vellus and terminal. Vellus is the soft, almost invisible, smooth-textured hair that is mostly on our cheeks, forehead, neck, etc. On the other hand, the terminals are the darker ones, and these are around your eyebrows.

A facial razor can be used to remove both types of facial hair. This works as a physical exfoliator and gives your skin a smooth, shiny texture. This also facilitates better penetration of skincare products. But the belief that a face razor makes your hair thicker is wrong.

Woman showcasing Floren Face Razor

After shaving, when your hair starts regrowing, it may give you the illusion that your hair is getting coarser, but that isn’t the case. This happens only because the edges of the newly grown hair are blunt. Once they are fully grown, you won’t feel that way. And when you are using a face razor, you need not worry about it, as you can simply shave them off.

How to use a face razor?

To shave your face, wash it and then put face oil or aloe vera gel on it so that the razor can glide smoothly. Shave the hair in the opposite direction of the growth. And then gently cleanse your face and moisturize it properly. Floren face razor is the perfect solution for getting glowy, supple, and glassy skin.

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Better assimilation of skincare products, a perfect finish of makeup, and a smooth texture are assured. So, break the stigma around facial razors. Use the pocket-friendly alternative and bring the parlor to your home.



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